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  • Vitals 343295Vitals

    I highly recommend Dr. Kris Alden if you are in need of a hip replacement. I am a very active 50 year old athlete and needless to say my jaw was on the floor when I was informed that I needed a complete hip replacement. I met with four highly qualified surgeons in the Chicagoland area and zeroed in ...

    Verified Patient

  • Vitals 343294Vitals

    Very professional orthopedic surgeon. I am pain free after 6 weeks

    Verified Patient

  • Vitals 343293Vitals

    Dr. Alden is an outstanding surgeon, but he is also very kind. I got through my surgery without any problems. I would highly recommend him to anyone with hip or knee problems.

    Verified Patient

  • Vitals 343292Vitals

    Dr. Alden was my second opinion on my hip pain after first being recommended for a procedure to be drilling for decompression of femoral head, and told ultimately down the road I would have to have a hip replacement. My xrays clearly showed bone on bone, so drilling would definitely not have done an...

    Verified Patient

  • Vitals 343291Vitals

    He's very competent and truly cares. Didn't rush me out and answered all of my questions.

    Verified Patient

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